(Examples of business start-up by
foreigners in Kyushu)
The business start-up by foreigners in Japan brings about such effects as finding new markets from different perspectives from the Japanese, adding high value to existing industries and expanding international trades from Japan.
We visited some start-ups created by foreigners in Kyushu and asked their business outline, the background of creating a start-up, business circumstances, and future prospects (Period of visit: June-July, 2019).
*All materials are in PDF format.
*As for information on the companies in this document, the Kyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry does not guarantee the details of their products and services.
- 問い合わせ窓口(Contact)
- 国際部投資交流促進課
- (The office of International Investment Promotion Division)
- 電話:092-482-5426
- (Tel:+81-92-482-5426)
- FAX:092-482-5321